Best Month Yet, But Still In The Battle

It’s 2:38am

I’ve played 16 hours of the last 24 of video games.  I figured out a way to get my focusme off my computer period.  I thought it was just going to be a little bit, a couple hours, a few games after working for a long day.

It wasn’t.  I literally played all day today.

It’s a fucking a problem.

I was thinking of what I need to substitute instead of video games as a reward, but I realized that’s another problem.

The process should be fun and it is, but I think that as a society we’re just wired to need a reward after work.  Even though this is my best month yet! I still feel some kind of need for a reward.

At 10K /mo I’m getting a car, a real car – something fucking fast, cool looking.

I probably won’t be able to tell my parents because they are loaning me 50k for a deposit on my house.  At 10K a month, I’ll be saving 5k easily and will pay it back quickly.

Enough ranting.

I’ve got a problem.

I know it.

This time it took me 24 hours to solve it – that’s a fucking record.  (gave myself a pat on the back).

I went it, changed the password to my account, uninstalled everything and then changed the email to bogus email.  (that’ll do the fucking trick)

I think about the I/R Theory a lot, and how maybe my “I” isn’t ready for success.

I’ve got to remind myself:

  • How many late nights there were
  • How many missed memories with my daughter I gave up to have what I have
  • How much guts it took
  • How many people told me “bad idea” “I wouldn’t do that” “a personal trainer should be a personal trainer” – yet I proved them all wrong.

I deserve every bit of this.

and more—

much more.