90 Day Blitz, Round 2

90 Day Blitz begins..  NOW

As Russel Brunson (founder of clickfunnels) once said..

“My success has been a result of 90 day blitz, after 90 day blitz”

[This was at the 10X Growth Con]

Changes Going Forward:

I had a good blitz for the last 90 days.  I didn’t play any video games.  I hardly watched TV.  We moved into a house.  I just sealed a $900 /mo deal like 20 minutes ago.

Going forward I need to make more changes.

I need to engineer my day/world for success.  To truly live a 10X Lifestyle I need to treat my body 10 times as good.

  1. Cut out the shit (candy, wheat, booze.. that hurts!)
  2. Exercise more regularly
  3. Lose Weight – get down to a healthy 225 (I’m like 260 now!!!)
  4. Do some mountain biking… once a week
Business Changes:
  1. Keep setting my schedule the night before
  2. Unload website design to someone else?!  (this is a possibility)
  3. More Prospecting
  4. My own automated webinar
  5. Increase my social media presence


Day 89.. Basically Day 90 (my best month yet)

90 Day Blitz Complete

My 90 Day Blitz is complete and it feels damn good!  I’ve got my best month yet with a total of $7423 and an even better month around the corner.

Believe it!  There were actually about 2-3 deals that’ll be closing next month.  It feels good working hard.

Tony Robbins:  How to pull yourself out of a funk (below) is a really good video for when I hit those slow times.  His basic point, is that you get what you tolerate.  Working through it is an exercise.

The more you exercise working through that funk the stronger you’ll be.


Day 82!

focus board

Better Months – Every Month

This month I’m aimed to hit close to 7500.  Every month I’m getting better, but after reading MJ Demarco’s book entitled Unscripted: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Entrepreneurship I’m realizing things about myself.

I’m not there yet.  I’m not a full-fledged entrepreneur.  Although I’m definitely doing better I still have to fully-commit.  I notice that I’m sucked into the consumer mentality wanting to buy things with every new paycheck.

I’ve been looking at car videos for months trying to decide which car I want to lease when I hit 8600 a month (100K a year).

I’ve had prospecting on demand ($400 a month) for 11 days and honestly haven’t done shit with it.  I can excuse that I’m in the process of moving into a $1100 haircut of a house, but I need to get re-committed.

I need to get truly committed to my goals.  I realize that my mind doesn’t want to change.  DJ explained that change is hard and that your mind wants to keep comfortable.  I think since I’m doing better every month I’m getting comfortable.

The True Changes that need to happen to reach my goals:

  • I need to know exactly where I’m going
  • I need break down what I need to do to get where I need to be
  • Consistent action everyday
  • Develop a true understanding of why I feel the need to consume, get distracted, or feed my appetite for shiny shit syndrome
  • Planning my days ahead of time
  • Consistent action everyday

I’ve taken courses, done MLMs, wasted money, and took different paths.  I’ve got to really hammer down on a couple things and go full-force with action.

I’m going to take 5 minutes and get a coffee & couple that with some time to draft up a 10X Board for my home.focus board

That’s where I will go.

30K a month residual through my marketing agency by providing ROI and True Value to my customers.  No more personal training.  Complete time freedom, traveling the world, and doing all the things I always wanted to do before I’m too old to do them.

  • Heliboarding
  • Lamboghini
  • Downhilling
  • Laptop Lifestyle
  • Traveling the world with my family

2 kids, Malu doesn’t have to work.  Raising entrepreneurs. Opening up a Entrepreneurial School for Youth.  Speaking at a Westconn Graduation.


  • Mike Flynn “you’ll find something”
  • My brother “there’s too many people in the internet marketing industry”
  • My father “be careful, save your money”
  • My disease, ADD, Schizo, Depression, Bi-polar, Language processing disorders
  • Everyone in my freaking highschool

My Marketing Agency will grow as a system without me needing to be there.

By 35 I will have total time freedom.

Day 61!

Damn Good Month!

I had a damn good month last month, but before we get into it.

My 3 Goals right now:

Make 100K a year… 8600 a month or $277 a day!

Make enough $$ to reinvest in my business while leasing a new car.

Have a residual 10K a month coming in and be able to be home for dinner 3 times a week.

-I’m writing these goals because the folks over at Prospecting on Demand are telling me to.  It’s a new training I’m doing.  I really didn’t want to spend the money, but I knew that I needed a system to REALLY step things up.

My biggest problem right now is time management & consistency.

I’ve got to go to bed… another one of my goals to get more SLEEEP!

My best month was $6721, this last month was $5083, but I have to be honest.  My best month I didn’t factor in my Credit Card expenses…

My business expenses for my marketing biz!  So – this month I did.

My in-pocket income after ALL biz expenses, household expenses was only $400 less than my best month.  I call that a WIN.

My focus for this week is to 10X my prospecting.

Sales training everyday.

Higher productivity.

Day 57

Best Month Yet (almost)

I definitely had my highest gross month, but I reinvested a ton of $$$!  It was a great month and I made some serious improvements.

Now it’s back to the grind and I’m in a slump.

I didn’t shit today.

I literally had close to all day to get some stuff done.  Yes I was up late last night and yes my nutrition/exercise was way off.

I’ve got a lot more responsibilities right now.  My house, renting this condo out and I’m certainly talking the talk.

I just read instant focus by Patrick King and learned a lot of great tactics to improve my productivity.  On the same note I revamped by schedule to allow for Tues/Thurs afternoons off for Connecticut Business Reviews and time with Chloe.

I’ve clear dreams.  Huge Dreams.  That will absolutely be a reality.  I’ve the confidence, but I still need to button down the hatches and get the work ethic.

I’m committing to planning everyday and making this month even bigger than last month.