Purging My Thoughts

I’m at my wits end right now.  I’ve got so much on my mind.  As of now I’m looking to finish the month 2K under the previous month.  I feel like I spend my time doing all the wrong things.

I went through many of the different JK interviews in the last few weeks and got some inspiration, but also got a lot of questions.  I had so much oomph going into this weekend, but it’s late saturday night and I haven’t done much today.

All I did today was:

  • work on my physical therapy website (probably half way done)
  • Managed an upwork job

That was pretty much it.  I feel like I should be able to finish that site relatively quickly.  I had 5 have to do things on my to do list.

-Park City Website, Prime Time Website, Knudson Website, Upwork and Follow ups.

All I got done was half the park city, the upwork and the follow ups.

I’ve been looking at more shiny shit lately.  I was looking into a linkedin course, but haven’t hopped on the phone because I know myself – I’d buy.  I bought a prospecting course and haven’t seen a ounce of ROI.  They want me to message 10 businesses a day on facebook, linkedin and email.  They call it the carpet bombing technique.

Am I looking like an asshole for doing that?

I’m fat, my neck hurts, and my knees are starting to hurt badly.  I drink most nights of the week and always eat shit.  I have grant cardone’s whole cardone univeristy on my laptop, but haven’t gotten through most of it because my partner uses sandler and blows shit up with it.

I don’t know what to do.  I took a heavy financial haircut to get this beautiful new house that I’m in, but it’s taking a toll on how much I’m able to put back into my business.

–the balance—

The hardest part about all of it is my wife and my daughter.  Am I spending enough time with her?  That question is riddled in my head as my wife complains that she’s making memories without me on the weekends as I try and double down for my business.

I love my daughter and love spending time with her.  How much time is enough?  I fucked up the first 6 months of her life.  I didn’t see her enough and I question myself to if I even…  spent much time with her at all.  If she knew me.

or not.

I don’t want that to happen again.  I arranged my schedule so I can have more time with her and more time to work on a business that is going to allow me to have more time with her.

~Process of elimination.

What is too much time? or rather what is definitely enough time?  Everyday 6 hours is too much, almost unnecessary.  30 minutes – that’s probably too little.

An hour? 2 hours?  What about the time spent with her is important?  I’m not sitting on my phone when I’m with her, maybe sometimes, but not often.  I’m sometimes laying down, maybe drinking or just hanging out.

I feel like I need to read an article about this.

Interesting video – it’s about quality vs quantity and I do better than most dads in 2010 anyway.

Quality time.  Truly quality time.  Play time. New activity time.  That’s what I need to focus on with my daughter.

Same with my business.  Quality time.  Not hanging out on youtube time.  Not watching TV shows.  Doing activities that will make a change in my life.  Activities that I’m good at.

Same with my wife.  Quality time.  Doing things that better our lives.  Watching shows unfortunately doesn’t cut it.  They aren’t going to better our lives.

  • Working on business together.
  • Playing with chloe together
  • playing games that engage our senses whether it’s ping pong or its cash flow.
  • spending time with friends and family that can help business

Really what it comes down to is using the tools I already know.  Learning within the JK group more every week.  Doing the important things in all areas of my life.

I feel better

Day 5 – “I don’t have enough time”

Fixing Time To Work For Me

Grant Cardone is a huge component of shredding the excuse “I don’t have enough time” in many ways.  He slams this complaint with the fact that everyone has 24 hours a day.  Bill Gates has the same 24 hours you have.  However, when Bill Gates gets mentioned there is this little voice that says…  “I can’t be Bill Gates”.

Everyone on the INC 5000 List has the same 24 hours.  Loot Crate is growing by 66,788.60% and grossing $116.2m.  What’s my excuse?

I digress.  I need to hammer out my time the right way.

My 6 month goal by Jan 2018 is to own Will Power Fitness, but not work in Will Power Fitness.  I want that business to run itself and grow by executing a system instead of with my management.

Addressing Time and my lack of it

I’ve been doing a lot of websites myself as of late.  I’m good at it, but it takes me time.  Most of all it always takes more time then I budget for the task.

This one website I did net me a cool $500 which was helpful, but it took 3+ days to do.  That just made me think.  Before making the decision to go ahead and hire someone to do my websites I’m going to break down how long these websites are taking me and how much I’m getting paid per hour.

However, even if I go ahead and break those down…  my whole point above is to stop trading time for money.  Although, I am trading time for money when I sell, follow up, follow up and close…  It’s DIFFERENT because 5 hours of following up spread over a couple months can net me thousands of dollars over the next year or more.  That’s proper time usage.

Developing, training and using an evergreen skill such as salesmanship is the key to thriving in this economy.  Having a team in place to fulfill our promises is the key to scaling.  Managing the business to make sure we’re doing right by our customers.

Ending this conversation in my head on and on this page by making the decision to grow my business by hiring a website designer.

I will be spending my time on branding, networking, prospecting, and sales.

I would like to cement my business in the local area and to do that I’ll need to find someone local to design my websites.