Yet Another Crossroads

Looking Back at My Entrepreneurial Career

I took a course recently on prospecting.  I loved the content and was very hopeful that I’d grow my bottom line to that magical 10K a month.

It didn’t, or I didn’t?  That’s the question.

I think about all the courses I’ve done.  All the shiny shit I’ve chased.  How I sold my other business.  How I’m supporting my family with this business.

I think back to when it used to be fun.  Nowadays I look at my profit/loss 5 times a day, throw investment $$ on new credit cards, sold one of my cars recently to pay back some debt and it’s not as fun as it once was.

I know that entrepreneurs are a unique breed because we do things that not everyone wants to do.  But, I’m tired of investing.  My new “coach” wants me to focus on the sale, rather than the results I can give.  I don’t like that.

I’m happy to sell, but not unless I can produce serious results.

Going forward I need to get back to the basics.  Stop investing every dollar.  Start living the lifestyle more.  Stress less.  Chip away at my debt.  Just focus on doing what works, instead of being always on to the next thing.

I’ve done the heavy investment, but it fucks with my head.  I need to be good on $$$ to sleep at night.

Patterns & Habits

Keeping on Track

I’m on track to having another good month.  I’m growing and gaining new clients basically regularly now.

However, I still feel myself falling back into those same patterns..

  • Inconsistent work
  • Not following up
  • Going after the quick money
  • Getting focused on other things
  • Spending time on how I’ll spend my money rather than taking the consistent actions to make it

I watched a couple movies lately that struck a chord. Conor Mcgregor’s Notorious and Ronnie Coleman’s movie as well.

The level of hard work and consistency that both of those men had was insane.  They put in the work every single day.

Hard work, works.

Thing I need to do now is plan my calendar out the night before.  Stay consistent.  Stop chasing the quick buck.

I took a few website deals and while I need the money… it’s not the best use of my time and it throws me off of other tasks.

So the thing is, what needs to change?  I’ve been through this same pattern every time I start winning.  Something needs to change.  I know I need to work harder.  I know I need to stay consistent. When I take the time to put those actions back in play…  I’ll have a setup calendar.  I’ll have my daily focus locked in, but the problem still is actually doing it.

Why is that a problem?  I want to know the problem behind the problem.

When you’re doing a nose-slide on a down rail the trick behind the trick is to make sure you’re properly aligned.  If you up to the rail at the wrong angle you’ll be setup for failure.

What’s the problem behind the problem?  Nervousness.  I’m afraid of failing.  It’s the big leagues now, this isn’t a side business.  This is my main business, it’s the only source of upward mobility for my family.

Yeah, but that’s not me.  I’m not afraid of failure.  I can handle a no.

So, what is it?  What’s the big deal.  What do I need to change to do it.

This is coming full-circle to a previous post that I wrote a short while ago.  The preconceived notion that success is an event rather than a process.

Right now, I’m writing this blog post trying to sift through my thoughts and figure out why I’m not doing exactly what I need to be doing to be growing my business.

When in reality it’s not a problem..  It’s natural.  When you’re first going off jumps snowboarding there’s a lot of preparation.  You watch other people hit the jump to see how many turns they take, how fast they are going or to see how much pop they are giving themselves.

You muster up your strength and hit it yourself.  Usually it works out pretty well because you did your due diligence.  You’ve been preparing.  However, after you’ve “got it down” or you started “winning” in the park you stop preparing as much and start going for it, or winging it.

Those falls hurt.

I think that’s exactly what’s happening here.  I’ve had some wins.  I’m starting to not prepare as much.  I’m looking for a problem that I have, when really the problem is my process.

I just need to keep my process the same.  Keep focused.  Keep consistent.  Keep my eyes on the prize.

I’ll be taking a day off each week this year for snowboarding, but I definitely won’t if I’m not making any money.

I’ve got to dive into the process.  Do more content.  Talk to my audience more.  Listen to my audience more and really only take the deals that I want to take.