A Letter To Will, from the old Will

A Letter To Myself:

Jan 30th, 2019

I’ve been focused on how difficult attaining the Super Life is for the last 2 years.  The first year into business I was new and I thought it would be easy.  That belief set me up to have one of my best years.

Now I realize that you attract what you think about into your life.

The difference for me now in 2019 is that I’m no longer looking for that magical course, easy win, or event that will launch me to 20K /mo.


My focus is on improving my “I” and internal belief through:

  • Daily Affirmations
  • Daily Goal Reviewing
  • Tactical Training – watching videos just like this
  • Setting up my body for success by.. eating right.  Sleeping well.  Devoting time for me.  Devoting time for family.

My second focus is taking action & execution:

  • Daily action reviews
  • Keeping track of KPIs
  • Planning my day, everyday

From the post “I / R Theory and Law of Attraction



Oct 29th, 2018

Hey Will – It’s me, Will.. duh.  Let’s get to the point.  The deal is:

Consistency and focus will build momentum and momentum sitting on the foundation of consistency and focus will lead to the Super Life.

I define the Super Life is making over 20K profit while working less than 10 hours a week.  Being the CEO and having the lifestyle of a CEO.

  1. The Greater Purpose:  Money is power.  The Powerful can help a lot of people and make a positive impact on the world.
  2. For Fame:  The famous can create change in the world that ordinary people can’t.  After I “make it” I’ll work on my motivational speaking.
  3. Time Freedom:  Time to actually live.  Time well spent with my daughter and wife.  Traveling the world.  Doing everything I’ve always wanted to do before I get too old to do it.
  4. Financial Freedom:  Healthy food is a luxury.  Living on the lake.  Having a house in Vermont.  Having my dream car, the Lamborghini in the driveway.  That’s 100% possible.

Resistance.  The struggle.  The battle.  It’s an everyday occurrence that’s 100% natural.  I will need to fight against it every single day, but with momentum, wins, discipline and hunger WE  will succeed.

Just set a timer.  Get rid of your distractions and start.

September 26th, 2018

Hi Will – it’s your past self.  I just fell back into the video game trap and spent about a week slacking off.  I played video games, won some good games, smoked a couple cigars, ate a lot of dunkin donuts and now I’m writing this post.

The last 4 weeks have been fucking awesome.  I grew our business, learned, got momentum and added a couple G’s to our bottom line.  I fell into the win trap and got back into old routines.

The reason I’m writing this letter to you is because the I’ve noticed the same pattern, over and over.  I win, I celebrate and I relapse into the old routine.  I’m concerned about my bottom line despite the winning because the other business sale’s monthly payment is about to stop, but as I’m writing this I’ve realized something.

My concern isn’t about the $$ – it’s about the future.  I’m a little scared of success.  I’m uncomfortable.  I have a hard time imagining us doing a 7 figure business.  But I remember the first client we helped.  The first $150 we got in Mcdonald’s in brewster and I was nervous as fuck then.

That’s a walk in the fucking park now.  I’ve got a big smile on our face.  I hope this is making you smile too.

Just keep pushing forward and soon the uncomfortable will become comfortable.  The 6 figures will become 7 and the super life will become the norm.  Then we’ll be able to help a lot of people.

I helped someone the other day.  I was buying ice-cream at Shoprite when I knew I shouldn’t have been.  An old fellow let me in front of him at line and I noticed he was clutching his keys and a couple coupons.  I said to the cashier that I’d like to pay for his stuff too.

I told him that it’s rare that I run into somebody nice like him.  I could tell he was on a fixed income because he needed the receipt.  The $30 I spent helping someone was the best $30 I spent in a long time.

Will – we are here for a reason.  We’re here to make the world a better place.  Buckle down, get uncomfortable, push forward and let’s make an impact on the world.


The 5 Reasons I DESERVE the Super Life

  1. I’ve Already Got The Good Life!.  Taking the path less traveled.  Moving into a different career path from working with youth to personal training and opening up my own business.  Selling that business and moving to marketing full-time.  Most people don’t ever break from the 9-5.  I love the process.  I enjoy every day.  I love working inside myself to be better.  I got it.                                            I’m working hard everyday.  Getting better everyday.  Going snowboarding mid-week when there’s nobody there.  Spending time with my wife and daughter every morning and night.  As I keep going through the motions, playing smart, focusing down I will only get closer to the Super Life.  (making 20K+ a month)
  2. My Family Deserves Better.  My father had a thriving business, but was chained to his desk.  I can remember him actually making one of my wrestling matches and getting into it.  A month later he made another match and saw me go home with the tournament win.                                                                                                     He could have been there for a lot more than two matches, but he didn’t have the tools or the know how.  I do.  My family deserves better.  My wife deserves better.  My daughter deserves better.  He deserves a son who will take care of his parents in their old age.
  3. It’s Worth IT!.  I’ve been at it for 3 years.  I’ve had my fair share of ups and downs.  There’s been really hard months.  There has been amazing months.  It’s all worth it.
  4. I Have the Power to Help – part of having a super life is having the means to help others.  A lot of people donate blindly.  I’ll be teaching my recipients how to fish not just giving them fish.
  5. Because I CAN – I’m not sure if this is nature or nurture or something special inside of me.  Not many people have the same hunger.  My brother and I were both born with a disease that made you throw up everything you ate.  He would cry and whine when he started throwing up.  I would get pissed off, furious and mad every time it happened.  I’m naturally a fighter.  There may be other skills entrepreneurial skills that I naturally possess, but it still takes hard work, dedication and a constant reminder that I deserve it.  It’s my obligation to harness these skills and help people like my brother.

To Recap:

  1. I’m ALL in
  2. For my Family
  3. Because I’ve got ONE shot
  4. I have the power to help
  5. I’ve got natural skills and a obligation to use them






—– This was my motivation 5/13/17 ——

Dear Will,

I just spent the last 5 hours sitting in front of the TV eating candy and watching shows that provided no value.

I feel horrible, disgusted and as if I gave up on myself when I gave into the need to “rest” or “recharge”.

I realize now that recharging & resting is what you do when you win.  After that invoice came in earlier this week for an easy $300 a month…  I felt recharged. You felt recharged.  We felt great.

After the second deal I closed this week…  We felt empowered, successful, and that’s better than “rest”.  The funny thing is:

Working hard in Day 7 & 8 could have brought you another deal.  Another triumph.  We can do this.  Remember your WHY.

Why I’m working so hard:

  • Prove Mike wrong
  • Prove my father & mother wrong
  • Prove all the psychologists & psychiatrists that I am better than the “disease”
  • Do EVERYTHING I’ve always wanted to do before I’m TOO OLD TO DO IT  (heliboarding, Jackson Hole, super cars)
  • Be SUCCESSFUL for my wife, for my daughter, and for me.
  • Be able to HELP more people than anyone at the BGC
  • Be esteemed by friends & family
  • For Fame…

Next time I get into the funk I will read this.