The Power of Affirmations

I am…  I am…  I actually AM

As I’m going through my latest course.  The one that I needed to literally sell my car to get they hammer heavily on mindset.  I know that my mindset needs work.  The morning routine is one of the best ways to get that mindset right.

Here’s my new morning routine:

  • 1-5 Minutes of Meditation in which I paint my day
  • Reading through my Manifestation Board loudly and proudly
  • Read something.  At the moment I’m still swinging 2 businesses so I read on my way to my fitness biz
  • Affirmations.  I’ll go into more detail in a second about these
  • Writing my goals (no longer 10Xing these)
  • Exercise.  I literally just kick and punch the air in front of me.  I’m quite limber for a big guy!!


“I am healthy, I am wealthy, I am successful”

“I am the hardest working motherfucker in this room”

“I am disciplined and will do whatever it takes”

Every morning – I think about it like praying.  There’s plenty of religious people out there speaking to themselves every night thinking that the invisible man will actually do something.

It’s the act that helps.

Reinstalled & Uninstalled My Favorite Video Game

I’m embarrassed..

I’m stressed financially with all the courses I did.  That stress helped me close an extra $1150 this month, but it’s in social media.  I can do social media really well because I understand the ideal customer.  However, it’s time consuming and often not worth the time involved.

I’ll find a way to get it outsourced when I regain my finances.

I’ve had this blog for close to 6 months.  I’ve had better months since the birth of the 10X Decision, but nothing that I would describe as 10X.  I’ve witnessed the dialog between what I should do and what I want to do.  There’s days I win and there are days I lose.

What it really comes down to is HABITs.  Forming habits.

I’ve got my perfect day planned out with my new morning ritual and then I immediately get something done.  I noticed that I often waste time between personal training appointments so I’ll leave that for working on website builds & lead gen projects.

I can do this.  I need to want it more.  I need to believe it more.  I need to know I can if…

I work hard.

I work smart.

I get uncomfortable.

I’m fearless.

I’ve said this a million times…  Let’s GO!!!  This time it’s for real.

(this reminds me of the time I quit smoking, but then that one time I really quit… and it changed my life)

Time for some life changing to begin.

Week in Review #1

Week in Review..

What were my struggles this week?

  • Getting down to actually do the work.  I get distracted and demotivated.  I think I need to take better care of myself as far as nutrition & working out goes.
  • Taking small deals.  I was forced to take small deals because I need to make some money back to afford the course & survive financially.
  • My new trainer takes a lot of my time.  He’s not 100% stable so he needs some TLC.
  • Bad clients.  My tree guy owes me close to $1200 bucks and its going to pay as slowly as he can.

What were my goals this week?

  • 1 hour of MM/TAG, 1 hour of prospecting/follow ups, and 30 min of sales + doing my morning routine. I managed to do about 75% of it this week.
  • Keep up with my follow ups and get some new money.

What are next week’s goals?

  • Spend 2 hours prospecting everyday
  • Get serious results for my social media clients
  • Collect all my $$ for the week
  • Position myself 100% as a specialist
  • Safeguard my time from vampires

Planning out $1000 activities:

(training a prospecting team)

By Thursday I will have finished the bulk of the course.  I will then hire someone from upwork to do the prospecting for me.  I’ll mark 2 hours in my calendar now to do this.

Selling my Car to pay for a Course

Goodbye Jeep, Hello New Course(s)

In the last 2-3 months I went ahead and invested money I quite frankly didn’t have in a couple courses:

  • Prospecting on Demand  ($1200)
  • The Appointment Generator ($1000)
  • MM ($2000)

Prospecting on demand sucked.  I didn’t use it.  I didn’t really get in there and make it work.  That’s my fault.  It merely scratched the surface and was really focused on massive action.

I then bought into Linked Selling’s appointment generator.  Costed me another $1000.  I had the highest level of reluctance to actually dive in and use the program.

–Analyzing my reluctance = It’s hard, its uncomfortable, and I avoided it.

It’s my fault that I haven’t made money with it yet.

MM – I can only refer to this as MM because I bought it with my partner.  It was a much more expensive course, but even the first few chapters we’re really well put together.  I’ve been diving in and working through it in the last week.

$$$ is Low

I also recently invested in a guy who sends out emails for me everyday.  It’s $600 a month.  Couple that with $4200 in courses…  I’m in the hole and bad.  Topping it off August & September are very slow months for my personal training business.

I hired a brand new trainer and got him 7 new clients in the first 2 weeks.  I’ve got to get him hooked up with at least 5 more to keep him full-time.  Soon I’ll be able to free up Thursday’s as well to work on my marketing business.

Selling my car…

I’m in a pinch.  My wife planned a vacation for the week prior to in which we went up to Canada for a week.  I couldn’t get any real work done.  The trip costed us an easy couple thousand.  I didn’t deny her going on the trip because family time is important.  What’s the use working so hard if I can’t spend time with my family?

So we’re selling one of our cars, floating that $10,000 and picking up a $0 down lease.  The question is.. which car?  Cause that Lexus at $299 looks REALLY nice!  My wife needs a new car because of how small her’s is.

Selling my car to reinvest in myself?  That’s called going ALL FUCKING IN.

Turns out that selling my car didn’t work out as well as I thought.  Unfortunately the cars available we’re all too hard on my cash flow.  I decided instead to go and get a loan to pay off all these courses and medical bills.

Updated 10/5/17

Feeling Blah

Feeling.. just blah

It’s a Tuesday, and my usual networking meeting is cancelled due to Labor Day being yesterday.  I’m feeling sorta blah this morning.

It’s about 9am.  I slept through my alarm at 6am, rolled out of bed at about 7, spent some quality time with Chloe and my wife then proceeded to check my phone until there was an urge to write this article.

Hopefully by the end of this article I can figure out exactly what’s going on with me.

I’m not terribly excited anymore

I used to be very excited to get to work.  I had big goals that I wanted to reach and huge benefits of reaching them.

I think that my goals, and my wife’s goals are much different.  I took a serious financial haircut to afford this house.  It stunted the growth (I re-invest) of my business by 6 months.  Considering my business is roughly a year and a half old… that’s a long time.

Our house for example…  is a mess.  It’s an awful mess.

I’m almost saying..  I should have leased a car instead.  The ROI here is that I’ve got a very messy home, more expenses and a nice yard for Chloe to play in.

Step 1) I need this house clean.  I’m paying good money for it.  I need it to look the part.

My wife is fat as fuck.  Seriously, she’s got to be 350 pounds right now.  It’s embarrassing.  I’m about 265 which is definitely my heaviest, but I’ve also got a ton of muscle on me.

I don’t want to take her anywhere or go anywhere with her.  I fee like being fat is a sign of weakness.  Is being lazy also a sign of weakness?

I don’t even know where to begin on that step.  I’ve tried everything.  Dealing with my wife’s weight is hopeless.  I think it really comes down to having my own lifestyle and sticking with that 100%.

If I’m 100% fit and live that lifestyle, she should conform.

Step 2) Eat right, exercise often and live a healthier lifestyle.

After reading MJ Demarco’s book “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of entrepreneurship it dawned on me that I live a rather pro-consumer lifestyle.  I regularly watch videos on expensive cars that I can’t yet own.

Given my new found sense of anti-consumerism (should be good in the long run) I’ve lost some motivation.  I really wanted to reach 100K and buy a car.  I do realize that saving that money or buying an asset would be more advantageous.

However, I feel like I should be able to reward myself with something really nice.  How does 10K in the bank, and 10K a month sound?

I’ll be on my wave to saving at the same time making good money.  I’m putting that on a notecard right next to my desk.

Step 3) Goals, Goals…  and GOALS!!!

I still need to get my goals dialed in.  My wife is very resistant to change.  She wants to go back and live near her brother and friends.  I have much bigger dreams.

I think my problem is that I discuss my dreams with her before they are a reality and get serious resistance.  I do the same with my brother who also shoots them down.  Friends who shoot them down, but I’ve got to realize that I’m talking with 9-5ers.

I’m not talking with winners.  I’m not talking with people who have the means to do whatever they want.  I’m talking to people who are bogged down.

My big goals are to have 100% time freedom.  A very automated business that brings me in millions every year without having to spend an overwhelming amount of time on it.

I definitely want to be able to spend mornings with Chloe and later in life travel the world as a digital nomad.  I want to be able to do everything that I’ve always wanted before I’m too old to do it.

My wife is resistant to change because that’s all she’s ever known.  That’s unfortunate. Same with my friends and family.  I’m different.  It’s hard being different, but I’m going to show them exactly what advantages there are to being different than the norm.

So..  when I get in a funk or when I feel unmotivated or weak.  I’ve got remember that I can do anything.  I can SEO.  I can build a business.  I can take jobs that my partner wouldn’t normally take.  I can rank websites if I need to.

No Idea What Day… it is

Finished August

I finished august at about 5,800.  A really factored in a ton of expenses.  If I factored my month like I did previous month’s then this would be one of my best.

I hit a little bit a down point today.  I’m worried about money.  I spent more $$ on a new training, TAG aka The Appointment Generator.

I hope I don’t just have a bad case of shiny shit syndrome.  Prospecting on demand was pretty lame.  They really scratched the surface.

On top of that, my partner urged me to go through the Sandler sales training instead of Cardone’s.  The sales training definitely makes more sense and is a lot less about brutal closes and hard selling and a lot more about getting upfront contracts and manipulating.

Manipulation definitely raises some ethical issues, but sell or be sold.

Just got a call for an extra $300 a month.  I’ll close it on monday.


I got this shit.  Just gotta take massive action, work hard, and get my head right.  Get a hobby back and do it with people.