Public Speaking

…What goes through your head when you think of “Public Speaking”

I was asked this yesterday during a networking event.  It was a speed dating style networking event where you got to hammer your pitch out to 8 different tables.

I was about to say, excited..  and it was almost true.  By the end of the evening those words of excitement were 100% true.

I was excited to pitch, because of how much writing I’ve been doing.  Whether I’m learning to put my thoughts on the page in the 10X Decision or writing compelling copy for one of my lead generation websites.  It’s truly transformed speaking game.

I had gotten many great remarks on my ability.  “Do I have to follow that up?”  Those words of encouragement were better than any sale that could have come out of the meeting.

I’ll be dumping the whole lot of people on my BD list in the next few days.  That’s short for Buy or Die Email List 🙂

Loved the event.

Week in Review (7 days into my Blitz)

Focusing on my 1 thing

The book “The One Thing” by Gary Keller is actually mentioned throughout the training that I’m now taking.  Although I was reading it prior to, it really sinks in.

The point of the book is to focus on the “ONE THING” you can do, that if it’s done, nothing else matters.  I look at from a SEO vs Sales perspective.  I could work for the next hour on maps rankings, like I did for about 3 hours today.  (we’ll get to that later). OR I could work for 3 hours on prospecting/building a prospecting team.  (sales).

If I had another $3000 coming in I could easily hire a guy to take my Maps training, write blogs on it, and do it for all my clients.  (now I’m kicking myself for spending that time on it today).

I’m going to change my accountability board again.



  • .5 for my morning routine
  • .5 for hands-on sales training
  • 1 for TAG/MM  (learning/training)
  • 1 for Followups/Prospecting


Because, what REALLY matters.  What is the one thing that I can do that’ll change my business forever?  Sales, obviously, but I have decent sales.  I’m changing the direction of my business and heading into lead generation for dental specialists only.  I’ve felt the headache of working with contractors.

Working with more professional business types like my dentist, physical therapist, etc has been excellent.  They don’t nickle & dime me.  They see the results and know the importance.

Right now, my 1 thing is getting my business transitioned.  Getting my prospecting in order while keeping up with my regular follow ups which I’m poor at.

I’m changing it around so that I have a 4 HOUR BLOCK where I focus on my 1 thing.  Right now, that one thing is transitioning my business.  Learning new landing page strategies, prospecting methods, and building authority.

I’m going to block out 4 straight hours everyday to work on my 1 thing.  Unfortunately, there’s a mix up tomorrow because I have Chloe for the day.

What were my struggles this week?

  • Getting to work.  I was definitely improved from last week, but still it wasn’t easy.  I know I need to train myself to make it easier.
  • Money issues.  I had slow month in personal training.  I needed to take a loan to pay for some courses.  I thought that being “broke” motivated me, but now I realize that when I’m broke I get my eyes on short term success.  (I make it happen though!)
  • Nutrition / Exercise.  I’m still bad in this category.  I know that being fit and getting my nutrition straightened out will help me concentrate and perform better.
  • Concentrating.  It’s hard for me.  I need to train my brain to get into it more.

What were my goals this week?

goalsI did most of it.  Probably about 60% of my goal.  I could blame it on the food poisoning, but not sure if I want to be a victim.

What are my goals next week?

  • 4 Hour Block of Time everyday to focus on my 1 thing
  • All Follow Ups done via my email guy & networking
  • Pausing on prospecting till that becomes my 1 thing (I need to transition first)
  • 30 Minutes Hands On Sales Training everyday (could be cold calls, writing scripts, walking into businesses)
  • Exercising everyday (3 weight lifting days, cardio for as little as 15 minutes, yoga, mobility, just something)

Let’s beat Week 1..

8 days into my 180 Day Blitz..

3 Weeks Away from all my Cash Flow Problems going bye bye

5 3/4 Months Away from driving my new car, snowboarding every weekend and truly being a success!

11 Months & 3 Weeks away from buying a lambroghini, traveling the world, putting my wife outta work and being able to afford to donate to the right causes



Day 1 of my 180 Day Blitz

180 Day Blitz

Inspired by my 6 month goals I’m getting my head right and going on a 180 Day Blitz.  I’m going to take my work ethic to the next level.

1 Month Goals:  (11/1/17)

Financial: Cash Flow goes from a concern to banking $1000 every month

Family: Uninterrupted time with Chloe on the weekends

Lifestyle: Book a seasonal vacation


6 Month Goals:  (4/1/17)

Financial: Break 10K per month and comfortably be putting 5K in the bank every month

Family: Go on a family trip every weekend, snowboarding/waterparks etc

Lifestyle: Drive a luxury car without worry


12 Month Goals:  (10/1/18)

Financial: Bank 15K every month & look for investment properties

Family: Buy our forever home on the lake & put my wife out of work

Lifestyle: Travel the world as often as we want