Morning Motivation – *My Routine*

Keeping it Simple & Effective

I’ve read countless articles, listened to many speakers and heard varying opinions of an effective morning routine.  For me what an effective morning routine actually comes down to is… actually doing it.

Sure, I could do the “7 min” morning routine that’s on my board, but it never happens.  The biggest reason that I fall short in executing that routine is that it’s way too long.

My routine now is 1 motivational video every morning.  It works.

Here’s my video today:

I do everything that happens in the video.  If it calls for Affirmations…  I do them and I do them enthusiastically.

Right now I’m writing down 5 reasons that I deserve what I want.  (I figured this might be a good topic for a blog post)

The 5 Reasons I DESERVE the Super Life

  1. I’m all in – there’s no back up plan.  I’m fully committed to obtaining the super life.
  2. For my Family – my father didn’t have the super life.  He had the working life.  I won’t treat my kids & wife like that.  They deserve to have a father that’s around.
  3. Life is Finite – I only have one life.  I’m not a settler, I’m OK with second place and I’m not about to throw in the towel.
  4. I have the power to help – part of having a super life is having the means to help others.  A lot of people donate blindly.  I’ll be teaching my recipients how to fish not just giving them fish.
  5. Because I CAN – I’m not sure if this is nature or nurture or something special inside of me.  Not many people have the same hunger.  My brother and I were both born with a disease that made you throw up everything you ate.  He would cry and whine when he started throwing up.  I would get pissed off, furious and mad every time it happened.  I’m naturally a fighter.  There may be other skills entrepreneurial skills that I naturally possess, but it still takes hard work, dedication and a constant reminder that I deserve it.  It’s my obligation to harness these skills and help people like my brother.

To Recap:

  1. I’m ALL in
  2. For my Family
  3. Because I’ve got ONE shot
  4. I have the power to help
  5. I’ve got natural skills and a obligation to use them


Winning & Losing (or should I say Winning & Learning)

I’m writing this one for me

Keeping this journal isn’t about everyone else.  In fact, there are very few people that even know it exists.  My wife doesn’t, my family doesn’t and I don’t think anyone that I’m in business with does.  For me, when I finally drive my lambo off the lot, reach financial freedom and buy my dream house it’ll be great for me to write a book about my journey.

These are the chapters… the steps to reaching the “super life”.  The life that everyone dreams of, but few actually work towards.

Today…  I need to spill some shit.  I’ve had an awesome month!!  March was my best month yet and April is close to surpassing it, but my problem is that..

[even writing this, feels like I’m complaining and I know the answer to my problems]

Let me just tell you the story.

I signed up a client who’s paying 1500 a month for leads.  My partner takes a 550 cut.  He didn’t pay me for the last 3 weeks.  He didn’t pay for 2 weeks and it’s my fault because I knew he wasn’t a good guy.  BUT I WANTED the deal so bad.  My biggest deal yet that I wanted to believe he was a good guy. AND IM FUCKING PISSED OFF.  #1 it hurts my bottom line, #2 I’m beating myself up about it.

I’ve got another client who’s wayyyy behind on his payments.  Like $2000 behind and I think he’s good for it.  He’s paying a little by little and he’s responsive (unlike the other guy), but he still can’t get his shit together.  So I might need to eat that as well.

Another thing I’ve got to get off my chest is that I bought a course for 5K to land an ecommerce deal and keep my current ecommerce client happy (because quite frankly the results I give to him aren’t phenomenal – and I hate not delivering).  BUT – I didn’t get the fucking deal and I don’t have the time to follow through on doing the work that I should be learning from the course.


On the a good note, I’m getting much better at phone sales.  I was working really hard until Thursday and then I kinda got burnt out.  I onboarded 2 new clients which could be very very good clients.  I’m hiring people from the Philippians to outsource to.  I’m buying my time back.  I cut down my personal training to twice a week.

The bottom line –

I’m going a lot of things right.  I’m getting better at everything.  I just made some mistakes and I’m really fucking not happy that I need to take a couple steps backwards.  I’ve got momentum… I want to keep it going and reach 10K a month.  I’m almost fucking there.


Going forward:

  • I’m no longer settling for bad clients
  • I’m not spending my time doing shit that I could pay people to do
  • I’m buying back my time
  • I’m toughening up, because this shit happens.  It’s just a learning curve


I will have the super life.  I can do this.  I need to spend more time organizing and getting rid of bad clients.  Focusing my time on good clients.